Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Postcards from Our Estuary

Painting by Jan Wise

Arts on a Postcard Exhibit Competition 

Superior Council for the Arts, Superior, WI

July 15 - Sept. 4, 2012. Open to Everyone.
Imagine sending “wish you were here” postcards while on a fascinating vacation exploring the slow waters at the confluence of the St. Louis River and Lake Superior—16,697 acres in Lake Superior’s watershed: lakes, rivers, creeks, bays, wetlands and sloughs teeming with aquatic plant and animal life. THIS is special - wish you were here!
  • Postcard categories: original art, photography, poetry, short story, musical score, etc.
  • Specifications: rectangular entries on card stock: 4 1/4" x 6"
  • SCFTA members & Under 18: Three entries free. Others: $10.00 per entry. International entries welcome.
  • July 15 is Lake Superior Day. This is the date around which we will plan week-long events in the Gardens, the Gallery and the Boathouse.
  • Twenty postcard entries will be chosen to be enlarged to small billboard size for outdoor exhibition in Broadway Community Gardens & the grounds around the Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve (LSNERR) headquarters on Barker's Island.
  • June 15 is the mailing deadline to be considered for the billboard enlargement. Details to be announced.
  • Entry implies permission for SCFTA to reproduce selected entries for billboards and publicity.
  • July 15 - Sept 4, 2012: Gallery exhibits of postcards at North End Arts Gallery on Broadway & The Boathouse at Barkers Island.
  • Download our Call For Entry form here.
  • For more information contact Superior Council for the Arts at: or call us at 715 392-6007.
    Estuary artwork courtesy of Jan Wise.